
How AI is Shaping the Patient and Clinician Experience – My Conversation with Microsoft

For change agents in health care, one of our True North paradigms is the Quintuple Aim. The five pillars of the Quint Aim grew from 3 goals of the Triple Aim: to improve patient experience, to drive better health outcomes, and to lower per patient costs. The Quadruple Aim added the goal of bolstering clinicians’ well-being (to address burnout, stress and depression), leading to the addition of health equity as the fifth objective. That happened in 2021, in the height of the COVID-19 pandemic which shined a bright light on health disparities, inequities, and risks in peoples’ social determinants of health.

Ultimately, as the graphic illustrates on the right side of the arrows, embracing and deploying the Quintuple Aim can lead to better health and improved economic results for both the microeconomy of health care systems and a nation’s macroeconomy as well.

Imagine how the overlay of GenAI on each of these five objectives could help, across-the-board.

This was my mindset as  I entered into a conversation discussing patient experience with Joyce Gottbetter, Microsoft’s General Manager with the U.S. Health and Life Sciences team. As you can imagine, our discussion quickly pivoted to talking about the growing role of AI in enchanting patients’ and clinicians’ experience as well as supporting care across omnichannel platforms and healthcare delivery models.

Here is our conversation in full – thanks for checking it out! (And here’s the YouTube link).