
Postpartum Life (Out of the Drafts)

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kathy in yellow

Oh hey guys, lets talk about postpartum life – yes – three years since I had a baby. Yes, it took me that long to get through it.

Out of the Vault: Drafts Edition

I realized I have an entire vault of unfinished, never-published posts in my drafts folder. So I thought it would be fun to challenge myself and — just share them Unfinished, scrappy and unsure. This one I found was written six months after I had my baby. And I wanted to remember every feeling of that first night and day. And into today. Here it is, some thoughts on Postpartum Life, 6 Months into Motherhood.

Postpartum Life, 6 Months into Motherhood


“Today I am sharing all things postpartum. Postpartum Life: 6 Months into Motherhood.

First Mornings of Motherhood at Home

I still remember that first morning. The first full night of being a mom, at home. We brought Rosalie home on a Friday night, so that first morning would have been a Saturday. I remember being up pretty much all night, dipping in and out of sleep and glancing out the window every time I woke up hoping to see a peak of pink or orange. Something that signaled that the sun was about to rise — the signal that confirmed we had made it through the night. Being a first time mom to a tiny little baby was scary. But nights felt extra worrisome. Rosalie was so little, fragile and perfect. I never wanted to take my eyes off of her. Falling asleep was a scary thing at first!

The Relief of Morning After a Night with a Newborn

But when I saw that pink glow of sunrise come through I always felt better. I knew morning was unfolding. And soon the wide-eyed middle of the night worries would fade into early morning groggies. Groggies that could easily be quenched with hot coffee, food and maybe even a shower.

Breakfast Felt New

Everything old felt new. That hot latte on that first morning tasted like the best thing I had ever sipped from a mug. No longer was my belly stuffed with a squiggly baby, so food felt so much more filling.

That jump in and out of the hot shower felt indescribably cleansing. After being pregnant for nine months, every shower feels like it’s shedding another layer of something that had been buffering your body all that time. You were finally coming back into normalcy. It was strange taking showers because I hadn’t been alone in the shower in so long! And by alone, I mean, Rosalie was always showering with me – in my tummy! I would talk to her and know that the warm water probably felt good to her too.

Breastfeeding + Feeling Drained

Food was devoured. Breastfeeding not only messes with your body physically, making you ravenous and thirsty, but the stress of being a new mom breastfeeder, made me feel emotionally drained – also physically exhausting. That first morning I had an extra large breakfast sandwich with extra avocado and greens, a giant latte and then in a few hours, I had my husband whip up a PBj and more water and on and on. Snacking, nibbling, food and hydration become things you kinda can’t skip because your milk production will feel it!

So yeah, making it through those first few days felt like being ‘in the trenches.’ As they say.

Every day felt a little easier. Then easier again. Then all a sudden harder again. Then a good few days, then some tough days and on and on. The pattern of parenthood – and postpartum life – seems set. It’s basically always amazing, but the good and bad parts seem to rotate back and forth all the same. And the good stuff always outshines all the really crummy parts of things.

So I wanted to touch on some of the basic things that women struggle with in postpartum! Here goes…”

Back to the Present Day

You may have noticed that this posts totally cuts off – unfinished. And that was the end of my post. I never made it sharing all the other stuff I wanted to share. And I think that perfectly describes the ride I have been on the past three years. Unfinished sentences, to-do lists undone, coffee half-sipped growing cold.

That was postpartum life for me.

I finally feel like I’m out of the newborn phase — yes three years in – LOL. But honestly, moms will get it. You change so much after becoming a mom. And getting used to your new life takes mountains of time and space.

So to any new moms out there, don’t get worried that you won’t feel good for three years. Nope. These three years of being a new mom have been the absolute best of my life. But coming back to me. My priorities. My work. My goals. My needs. Has indeed taken me three years. Eeesh but true. If you want more mom + baby content, browse here. And if you need postpartum support, please check in with your doctor – or get free resources here at PSI.

Sending you all so much love and hugs!

More pregnancy

About Kathy Patalsky

Hey there! I’m Kathy, lover of kitty cats, weekend baking, 90’s movies, travel, beach fog and foamy lattes. Since 2007, I have been sharing my vegan recipes and photos. My goal is to make your cooking life a little easier, delicious – and plant-loaded – while sharing some LIFE and conversation along the way.