
Bonus Features – March 17, 2024 – 65% of nurses think AI will negatively impact healthcare, 14% of EHRs have known cybersecurity vulnerabilities, plus 24 more stories

Welcome to the weekly edition of Healthcare IT Today Bonus Features. This article will be a weekly roundup of interesting stories, product announcements, new hires, partnerships, research studies, awards, sales, and more. Because there’s so much happening out there in healthcare IT we aren’t able to cover in our full articles, we still want to make sure you’re informed of all the latest news, announcements, and stories happening to help you better do your job.



More News from HIMSS 2024





If you have news that you’d like us to consider for a future edition of Healthcare IT Today Bonus Features, please submit, them on this page. Please include any relevant links and let us know if news is under embargo. Note that submissions received after the close of business on Thursday may not be included in Bonus Features until the following week.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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